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PCI & Covepa: Efficient, Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Oxygen Solutions for Aquaculture in Chile

The commercial relationship between Covepa and PCI makes it possible to deliver an effective oxygen solution for aquaculture, with low energy consumption, does not pollute and does not lose purity at high temperatures.

PCI Gases, an American company that manufactures on-site oxygen generators and is distinguished worldwide for the use of its VSA technology, has more than a thousand oxygen equipment installed in different parts of the world, and to date with around twenty equipment in Chile, operating throughout the Chilean territory.
COVEPA SpA, a company with 40 years of experience in southern Chile, is a provider of a wide range of solutions and products for the aquaculture, agricultural and livestock industry, and is currently an authorized PCI distributor. The commercial relationship between PCI and COVEPA allows today to serve all its clients in Chile efficiently, providing the best oxygen solutions with first-class support.

Picture: Rodrigo Salgado – Caleta Bay

Together, PCI and COVEPA conducted an interview with an important and renowned client “Caleta Bay”, a company dedicated to trout and salmon farming in southern Chile. For Rodrigo Salgado, Caleta Bay Freshwater Production Manager and in charge of managing all the projects, the main differential factor in acquiring PCI and COVEPA oxygen generators was the support that both companies provide to their customers.

“The robustness, energy savings and its efficiency at high temperatures were crucial for us. The oxygen generator, under no circumstances is it going to stop operating ”, he pointed out.

According to Salgado, since 2020 Caleta Bay has two DOCS 500 oxygen generators and the main reasons that determined their choice were:

  • High quality standards.
  • Efficiency in oxygen production.
  • Promised performance levels.
  • Post-sale support and timely maintenance.
  • COVEPA offers guarantees for 3 years, which include all maintenance and supplies.

Picture: Caleta Bay fish farm.

– How would you describe the operation of PCI’s oxygen generators in your facilities? What conditions are they exposed to?

“The teams have been able to respond to the requirements to which they have been required, adjusting their O2 production to low or high demand. It should be considered that in most installations there are power quality problems; circumstance in which we have received technical support from COVEPA in a timely manner, who have provided us with solutions to not stop the operation, as well as recommendations for the use, distribution and control of oxygen, among others.”
Regarding the eco-friendly / green technology characteristics to consider:

  • Low electrical consumption (ability to adjust to oxygen demand).
  • It does not dispose of oil-contaminated water into the environment (characteristic of VSA technology).
  • Does not need water for cooling.

Picture: PCI – COVEPA.

-How important is it to you that PCI teams include eco-friendly/green technology features in their processes, and why? Is there any regulation in Chile that promotes the use of this technology?

“For us it is very important. At Caleta Bay we are seeking to reduce the carbon footprint of our processes, which implies investing in eco-friendly technology, that is, with less environmental impact. This initiative started three years ago and is part of our policy. In Chile there are no laws that make it compulsory to include or prefer green technology.”

– What is the maximum ambient temperature reached by your facilities during the year? Have you observed any decrease in purity or change in flow under these environmental conditions?

“The ambient temperature in our operations can reach up to 40ºC and -5ºC. Something remarkable about the equipment is that the purity is maintained, despite the high temperatures.”

To conclude, Rodrigo Salgado indicates that “we have learned together about the operation of the equipment with respect to ambient temperatures, post-power outage reaction times and the times in which the required purity is reached; For this reason, I believe that today the technical team has the experience to serve future clients. We were among the first to use this technology in Chile, which forced us to learn to operate in all environmental and productive conditions. The team works fabulously well!” emphasizes Salgado.

Read the interview published in SalmonExpert in Spanish here:

For more information, contact the following person: 

Carla Cardenas. Director, Sales and Business Development, Latin America: +51 971 451 614 


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Posted December 21, 2022

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