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PCI Gases supports international efforts to remove access barriers to Medicinal Oxygen

Every Breath Counts members and other organizations have expressed concerns about the current draft revision to the WHO International Pharmacopoeia for hospitals 

We are sharing the Open Letter on behalf of several Every Breath Counts members and other organizations, including the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA), the ISO Technical Committee 121 (Anaesthetic and Respiratory Equipment), and the International Association of Manufacturers of Medical Gas Generators for Hospitals (MEDIGHAM). These organizations have expressed concerns that the current draft revision to the WHO International Pharmacopoeiacould further restrict access to medical oxygen by making it difficult for hospitals to work with oxygen sourced from both oxygen 93% and oxygen 99.5%. The contents of this Open Letter has a big importance in the context of the vital work that WHO is leading to close the wide gaps in access to medical oxygen that continue to plague health systems in low-resource settings, elevating deaths from COVID-19 and many other causes and conditions. Open letter source: Read more here: For more information, contact the following person:  –  Tim Boulton (Europe and Middle East):

Posted March 31, 2022

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