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Pharmacopoeia: Descriptions of the drugs
New oxygen monograph
Due to pandemic, the World Health Organization WHO has realized that the problem of severe Medicinal Oxygen shortages in many LMICs can only be solved by a significant increase in the number of Oxygen Generating Plants OGPs such as DOCS. This has in turn required the updating of their International Pharmacopeia PH.INT to include an O93% Monograph.
Present discussions are focused on whether the mixture of O93% & O99% oxygen concentrations will be permitted. The final draft will be presented at the 56th meeting of the Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, the date of which have yet to be decided.
The International Pharmacopoeia
The International Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Int.) is published by WHO with the aim to provide specifications and test methods for priority medicines of major public health importance. The activities related to Ph.Int. are an essential element in the overall quality control and assurance of pharmaceuticals contributing to the safety and efficacy of medicines.
The work on The International Pharmacopoeia is carried out in collaboration with members of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on The International Pharmacopoeia, the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations and other specialists.
Posted January 13, 2022